Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Homecoming for Jess

I adore my granddaughters.  All five of them.  This is the first year of high school for the oldest granddaughter and she went to Homecoming.  A couple of weeks ago, she looked like this:

Simon, mascot for the Hubbard Library.
Jess is only one of the teens who play Simon.

Last night she looked like this for her first Homecoming Dance with her boyfriend, Joel.

But you can't take the tomboy out of the girl.  She left her tickets for the dance in the house and when she ran in to get them, she did this:

Her sister was right there helping her get ready; running for this and that.  Here is a picture of Jess and Sammi.

I hear that Jess and Joel had a wonderful night.  Amy took them to Fiesta Tapitia for dinner and karaoke after the dance. 

You looked beautiful, Jess.  I love you...but I also love Sammi, Kaely, Reily, Audrey and let's not forget my grandson, Andy. 

Tyler, we all love you too and felt your presence all day long.  I know that you were keeping your sister safe all night long.


  1. Those darn grandkids...the lights of our life!!
    I call mine the Children of the Corn. They love it. Corey is 17 and has a super sweet girlfriend. His first to be even remotely serious about. He's always been a love n leave em kind of guy. Couldn't get either of them to go to the HC dance, though they WERE at the game.

    Jess and Sami are absolutely beautiful. It just seems like yesterday that we talked about the kids and "children" and now they are going into fine young people.

    We are blessed. Very blessed. Very.
    xx, Carol

    1. Yes, the grandchildren are the lights of our lives. I feel like you and I have watched then grow together.

