Monday, September 30, 2013


Looking at the blog posts and realized that I never introduced anyone to Rowdy.  He was emaciated when we got him from the pound, but quickly put on pounds.  Rowdy went to obedience school and learned some basics, but one has to now give him a treat to get him to listen.  He can sit, shake, high five, beg, lay down, but when he is outside he forgets all of his commands.  He doesn't go on the road which is excellent, unless the neighbor's dog, Snowflake, runs across the street.  Ugh!  Don't know how to get him to stop doing this.  He won't give you an inch of bed...sleeps crosswise...

1 comment:

  1. I like your dog! Nice size and cute. I like his name too!
    My Junior is about 10 now and not in the best of health. I didn't think I would want another dog in my older age. Then Corey brought Tyson home. Perfection..a granddog. Just like can love em but let someone else do the dirty work ~lol~.

    Nice to see you post.
    xx, Carol
