Saturday, September 22, 2012


Do nightmares or dreams come true? This one makes me very sad and I can't share it.  Maybe it has started cause I am playing Tyler's game, Rappelz, again.  Could be or maybe it is my pain medicine and the fact I have been sick all week.  Don't know.  Hopefully this one won't come true. 

Is there a thought for a day that lifts spirits?  I have seen some on the web, but none that inspired me.  Anyone have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning! Still in a fog here, so no thoughts except my own.

    Divorce yourself from the game....NOW! It can only evoke depressive feelings and thoughts.

    I like to think about dreams as a vision to your inner self that reveal you hopes, dreams and yes, fears. They all have some meaning, but don't always mean what YOU think they do.

    OK, example. I used to dream about losing my teeth. I found out that represents fears of losing something or someone you love.

    My mother in law used to dream about someone having a baby. She took great pride in thinking that was her ability to predict a new pregnancy will be reveal. Ha, when you have umpteen grandchildren and nieces and nephews there's a new baby on the way all the time! Those that know tell us it means a wish for a new beginning.

    Don't worry about the nightmare. Give up the game.
    Much love to you.
