Saturday, September 29, 2012

Out of Darkness Walk

Tyler has been gone almost three years. October 13, 2012 is the date. Mill Creek Park is the place.

This will be the third Out of Darkness walk our family has participated in. Death by suicide is still considered a stigma in some circles and the world needs to realize that is not the case. Help me get the word out. Come walk with me. I need donations, but to me that isn't the most important thing. It is spreading awareness that is what I hope to accomplish. This disease can happen to any family. One needs to recognize the signs. Even then, prevention may not be possible. Thank you to all who have helped me cope through the years with this tragedy.

You are loved and missed by all who knew you, Tyler, and by some who haven't even met you.


  1. One of my daughter's friend's husband committed suicide a few weeks ago. My boys and Laurie spent much time with their family this summer. They traveled to water parks, shopping malls, Chicago and many other events. No one had a clue what was going on with him.

    I have so many thoughts regarding suicide and rarely discuss it with anyone because I am not educated about it. The event you participate in is an excellent cause.
    xx, Carol

    1. Thank you. Just listening to others talk sometimes helps the survivors.


  2. Tyler IS loved, missed and thought of fondly by many, Jeanne. One day suicide and mental illness will be talked about as openly as any other disease. Thank you for helping make the subject more visible now <3


    1. Yes, Kathy, Tyler is all of those. I am hoping that people will realize this soon, before we lose more from this illness. You are welcome, but I don't really do enough. Hopefully we will soon get an AFSP chapter in the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys. One of Tyler's friends is trying to set up a walk at Kent State University. Getting the young people involved is very important.

  3. Jeanne, Thank you for doing this. AS you know, my son tried (and came very close) to taking his life. He is doing so much better and I am amazed everyday by his strength. What you may not know is that I too was suicidal and am on disability for my bipolar/depressive disorder. Sometimes it is all I can do to get out of bed or not cut myself. I haven't left the house (except for therapy meetings) in over 9 months. My sons and online friendships and beading keep me sane. Thank you for all that you do for those of us who suffer.

    1. All I can say is keep on keeping on. I hope the therapy sessions are helping. I am happy your son is doing well. Hopefully you will find the strength he has. I wish I could do more. My heart hurts with every suicide. Hugs.
