Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lampwork Beads

Guess what?  I sold some lampwork beads to someone other than Anita.  We went to the Holiday Craft Show sponsored by the East Ohio Lapidary Club.  Anita set up and I helped with the Chinese Auction.  Anita and one of the other club members talked me into selling some of my lampwork.  I didn't know what to charge, so instead of putting a price on each bead, I put sets into medicine cups.  The ones like the cups that come with NyQuil and cough syrups.  We decided on $10 per set.  I actually sold three sets today.  I didn't set up a table but used a small corner of Anita's.  Thank you, Anita,  I couldn't have done it without your help and encouragement.  She even made sure that people noticed them and then showed customers what she makes with my beads.  What a wonderful friend!

We are there again tomorrow.  Don't know if I will sell more, but was happy with just selling three.

Example of a set.

Another example


  1. Congratulations!!
    Anita is a gem. I so wish I had a local friend like that again...all mine have passed on and it can be hard to make new friends at 61.

    I am so proud that you sold your beads! Great encouragement for you to continue.
    xx, Carol

    1. Yes, Anita is a gem. I don't make friends easily either. Too shy and withdraawn I guess.

      Don't like selling things at all. I would rather give them away, but at some point, I will have to sell some.

      I gave most of my earlier ones to the Rustbelt Theatre Group, because the director makes items to fund the Theatre. It made me feel good to do so.

